You can join any ministry that best suits you here at Reformation Lutheran Church.

Breakfast Club
A light breakfast is held on the third Sunday morning of every month, meeting in Augsburg Hall at 8:15 a.m. There is a short program from a community service group or an individual sharing their ministry with the group.
The Christian Education Ministry team is responsible for ensuring our church offers Sunday School Classes for all ages, Adult Bible Study Classes, Confirmation classes and Vacation Bible School. We are always looking for Teachers and assistants, but our most urgent concern is for everyone to participate in Christian Education.

Church Property
The team of Church Property is responsible for the maintenance, care and repair of all buildings, parking lots, landscaping, furnishings, and equipment and supplies, whether owned or leased by the congregation.
The Mutual Ministry team is responsible for the regular evaluation of the pastor’s ministry, the leadership of the Congregation Council and the support of the congregation. This team will provide support for the continuing education of the pastor and work with any employees to strengthen the ministry of the congregation.

This team plans, supervises and implements the larger gatherings of the congregation from time to time throughout the year. This includes such activities as fellowships\ nights, dinners, rallies, fun nights, etc.
Piece Makers Quilt Group
The quilting group meets every Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. in the basement. The quilts they make are given to various ministries including Lutheran World Relief, Appalachian Helping Hasnds and the Food Bank for people in need. They also make sa special quilt for newborns in our church. All quilters at any skill level are welcome.

Our church chose Stephen Ministry in response to Jesus’ command to love one another. They answer this call be “being there” for people in crisis who need a Christian presence. It is a one-on-one Christian non=judgmental, listening ministry that is strictly confidential. A Stephen Minister and a care receiver meet on a regular basis for as long as it is necessary and develop a relationship of trust and caring.
This team will promote the expression of Christian living throughout our community. They will help select local projects within the community that help such entities as Appalachian Helping Hands, Greeneville-Greene County Humane Society, Isaiah House, The Boys & Girls Club, etc.

WELCA stands for Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church whose mission is to mobilize women to act bolding on their faith in Jesus Christ. All women of the church as considered members. We currently have one circle that meets monthly on the third Thursday of each month. In addition to lunch, they enjoy a short devotion, prayer and sharing prayer concerns. This is followed by a business session and discussion of projects. Service projects include Lutheran World Relief, the local Food Bank, Quilting Ministry, Hope Center, Children’s Advocacy Center and more. They offer an annual Shrove pancake supper and other fundraisers through the year.
Witness & Evangelism
The Witness & Evangelism team will promote the church and reach out to get new members for the congregation, as well as familiarizing the existing members about all of the congregational programs. They will reach out to inactive members of the congregation.

Worship & Music
The Worship & Music team will work with the Director of Music, the Altar Guild, Ushers, etc to see that the services are conducted regularly and in accordance with the liturgy of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The team recruits and trains ushers, lectors, crucifers, acolytes and lay assistants. They work on such special services as Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. They assist with baptisms and funerals and encourage others to contribute to the Reformation Flower Fund.
Youth Ministry
This team encourages the youth to participate in the total life of the church.